Pausing for 60 seconds every week for those impacted by Covid

My name is Carolyn Freyer-Jones.
#thefridayminute was birthed out of a conversation my brother and I had after our dad passed from Covid on July 14th, his birthday.
We were talking about the massive losses and we were wondering when there would be a national day of mourning.
We decided we didn't want to wait. That something needed to happen now to acknowledge what was happening and all those being impacted. Those experiencing the loss of loved ones, job loss, loss of connection, loss of schooling in person. The essential workers.
And those with a Covid diagnosis right now, in hospitals or at home.
This is an opportunity to pause every week for 60 seconds, to come together in our humanity, remembering we are not alone. Your pain is my pain, your financial loss is my loss, your challenge is my challenge.
We can help each other carry the pain and remember that we are here for each other.
Every week people gather to do #thefridayminute - they dedicate their 60 seconds to someone close to them or to an entire community. You can join each Friday by following @thefridayminute on Instagram or you can do your minute on your own.
It doesn't matter - all that matters is that we don't underestimate the positive impact of 60 seconds.
CNN story on #thefridayminute
CNN on National Day of Remembrance and #thefridayminute endorsement:
The Hill on #thefridayminute
Videos of celebrities, athletes, and well-known people
sharing their #thefridayminutevideos
click thefridayminutevideos
in menu bar or here
We are available to lead #thefridayminute for any group or organization, please contact us.
And if you'd like to share your experience of #thefridayminute we'd love to hear from you.